Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fall is Upon Us...

The transition into another season reminds me that it's been ages since I've posted anything on the blog.  It's not for lack of material... we've just been so busy that it gets harder and harder to find time to put the memories into illustrations.  School started and was somewhat uneventful this year w/ both of us returning to Sparks.  I even am returning to the same teacher since Ms Cavanaugh also moved up a grade this year.  My class schedule is a little different this year because I change classrooms and teachers for part of the day.  I think they are trying to help us get ready for getting older and more and more responsibility for our schedules.  I even got a planner this year from school to help keep me organized!  Mom thought this was one of the coolest things about 3rd grade so far... she loves planners.  We've been learning cursive, multiplication and division.  I stress a little bit about these subjects - actually, I'm pretty good at them but it frustrates me some times that I have to take my time a bit more than I am used to in order to get things just right.  Mom said I was the same way in Kindergarten when I was learning new things, but I don't remember that part.  I remember Kindergarten being a breeze.  Mom and Dad have been proud that I am rising to the challenge yet again.

Campbell really seems to like being a first grader.  She walked right up to her teacher, Ms Rataczjak, on Peek at Your Seat Day (whom she said she had not met before) and gave her a big hug.  She is blossoming into an excellent reader and seems to have a bit of a natural talent at math.  We're really proud of her.  Here is a picture before our first day of school 2017:

Yes, that's just Nala.  We got our bus pick up time this year - the first year it was actually printed on our school info sheet - and it said 8:19am.  That's a full 10 min later than last year!  So on our first day we sauntered out at 8:09 to get our picks when... mom hears the bus pull up down the hill.  We high-tail it down to the bus and thank Ms Loretta for waiting.  It seems she was not informed of our new pick up time.  At any rate, we made it through a great first day re-connecting w/ old friends and meeting new ones.  And the chalk was still there for our End of the First Day of School 2017 picture:

A friend of Shea's held a birthday party at the local skating rink which gave Campbell her first chance at truly rollerskating.

Shea quickly ditched the walker and skated off (slowly) w/ her friends.  
Which led to this picture...
(Note the brace on her wrist)  Facial expression courtesy of Mom for choosing the "thickest" the brace we could find in the store.

Then we got some good news to celebrate.  Dad was inducted into his high school Hall of Fame as a Distinguished Honoree.  His commitment to being an all-around student and his community contributions were recognized in a wonderful day that was organized by the Shakopee High School Alumni Association.

It was a great day capped off by the high school Homecoming football game - the girls first experience as a football fan.  And they got to see their dad and his fellow inductees announced at half-time on the field.  Pretty cool.

 In between soccer, work, lacrosse, legos, homework and chores, we find a few free minutes to just play and be kids.  Mom came out of her bedroom the other day to Campbell and me waiting in line at the drive through to place our orders...

We'll try to make a bigger effort to come back often and keep the blog updated.  I know I enjoy going back and reliving all the wonderful pictures and stories from growing up so far.  I hope we can keep the tradition going!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Catch up, Part 2...

She shoots, she scores the crowd goes wild! This was Cam's first season playing basketball. She was amazing. 

As a family trip we all went to Seven Springs to ski. Cam was not happy about ski lessons - she didn't want to be the first one up and out of the cabin, but once she got there she loved them!

 Next family trip was to Park City where we met up with the Fischer's.  We met Paige and Hank!

Here we go!
A bit of a trend... Cam had a tough go getting up/ready for ski lessons, but by the afternoon she didn't want to leave the snow.  This is amazing!  Campbell turned 6 in Utah.

 Brace Face 

  Spring break to the Grand Canyon!  Luckily we didn't have to hike the Grand Canyon. Instead we took a train and we got first class on the train.  We also had a surprise treat on the flight home - we got sit in first class on the plane.  Dad said "don't get use to it."  Cam said "I'm already used to it."

Watch out for the spaghetti monster if you hike Oregon Ridge.

Happy Easter!  Even Nala is in the spirt

I wonder how many eggs we will find today?

Like Campbell's tiny hat?  Our first baseball game of the season.  Let's go, O's!

Left to right Shea(me), J, Mrs Heather and Campbell

Mom and Dad go to Italy and we get to....

...hang out with our cousin Alena

Last day of school! Bye bye 2nd grade! Hello 3rd grade!

Last day of school! Bye bye kindergarden! Hello 1st grade!

Cookout with the Goddard friends top to bottom Sophia E, me, Sophia K,  Julia C, Oliva K, Ryan K Campbell, Owen K, and Skander K.  Our annual cookout w/ friends.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Catch up...

 Since my staff writer seems to have taken a hiatus, I will shelf my editor duties and attempt to catch up on all the events since early October, the last time we published...
 Cumberland was a blast. We road bikes next to a train track, swam in the hotel pool and went on a train.

Boo to you! this year campbell' carved a ghost and I  carved a bird  

this year I was a witch "mwahaha"

And cam was a cheeseburger yum!

Then I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas 

Finally! Daddy came home from deployment YAY!

Nala was so happy to see dad

Family photo! welcome home dad!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Look out Sparks! Here Come the Kanning Girls!

After some technical difficulties - it happens to the best of us, ya know? - I finally got around to getting up the pictures from the first day (or in Campbell's case the protracted first week) of school...

Ms Cavanaugh's class

Getting Campbell prepped...
So Campbell didn't actually have the same first day of school, but apparently we forgot to tell her that so she was up and dressed and ready for her first day before any of us that Wednesday.  Mom explained to her that she will get to meet her teacher, Ms Debrewer, and have a special hour with her before she gets to meet all her classmates in a few days - so hold on to that enthusiasm, Cam!

We passed the few days between Shea's first day and Cam's first day talking about all the new things she will learn!
 And then the day finally came!  Campbell got to get on the bus w/ me and Logan.  I sat with her and taught her the ropes of the school bus.  I took her to her room that first day but she already knew the way...
Take 2: First Day of Kindergarten
 It was another few days before Campbell got to ride the bus home as well, but Mom caught a pic of how excited she was - Logan rode home on the bus next to Cam.  I was kind of over sitting next to my sister and moved toward the back where my fellow second graders sat... I felt I taught her well and she had to learn how to go it on her own.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Goddard Graduate and Summer Vacations (A Pictorial Review)

Since I have so much on which to catch up, I thought it best to leave it to pictures.  But, you know me, I can't help but comment a little bit on each one...
Campbell and friends showing all they learned at the Goddard School just a few weeks before graduation.  I think they look very prepared for Kindergarten!
Campbell at Pre-School graduation with her teachers, Ms Brittany and Ms Leah
The celebration with the usual suspects!  I would share more pictures of Campbell falling in-line with the ducks but I was afraid I would run out of room... 
We threw an AWESOME surprise 40th birthday party for Dad at a beautiful winery just up the road from us. It was a great turnout and we totally surprised Dad!
Me and my Goddard besties do a great job of staying connected and having fun.  Photo credit to Quinn who belongs in the picture as well :)
More than a few nights were spent watching me play LAX this summer.  Campbell spent the time w/ a mix of gymnastics, making new friends and chilling w/ old friends 
Any day over 85 deg becomes a "Sprinkler Day!"
Cam and I got to have 2 wks of Happy Hours at G & G's house this summer.   Not pictured: Cool Waters - which was our favorite destination this summer! 
A great cousin-filled day!
Ready for Fireworks at the WI State Fair grounds!
Many thanks to our hosts for a memorable summer vacation.  Hope we can make it an annual event (hint, hint).
We had many chances to review the safety manual on airplanes this summer.   After the WI trip, we made another outing to the Midwest and spent a week w/ Nama & Papa & Co.  A sleepover in the tree house, countless hours swimming and a trip to Valley Fair highlighted this year's shenanigans.
Campbell got her ears pierced!!!  Two little, high-pitched "ouches" and it was over.  What a trooper!

May 16: Dad organized all the lego pieces into specialized compartments.
May 20: chaos returned to the lego bins.  Good effort, Dad.

Well, that about sums it up.  Next update we will review the first day of school.  Teaser: it went great!