Sunday, August 9, 2009

Up and At Them!

My mom said I have to apologize for not contributing to the blog in some time. I've just been too busy to sit in front of the computer to tell you about my days... particularly, I've been busy scooting and hopping from spot to spot on the floor, ushering in the days when Briggs is no longer safe just because she is out of my arm's reach. I now take full advantage of any open space (including my crib) to push up on all-fours, transfer to sitting and repeat the process all over again to get to where I want to be. I've even frog-hopped my way to some toys to see how efficient that is - not the best way to move across the tile floor for all my younger subscribers!
I've also mastered the use of my index finger - what a wonderful little piece of utility this is. I can touch many different textures w/ it, poke Briggs in the face, stick my finger up mommy's nose and pick up toys w/ just that finger and my thumb! It's really cool and so far beats any of the other gadgets I have learned to manipulate. Oh, and I've also been practicing my moves for when Dancing w/ the Stars comes knocking:
And just for all of you out there who haven't had the pleasure of meeting my furry friend Briggs, I'd like to illustrate that I have not overly-embellished the amount of fun that her tail alone can provide a toddler. Here is another example: my friend (and new neighbor) Katherine recently reunited w/ Briggs after a brief absence since we left Valdosta. Katherine also loves Briggsy's tail:

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