Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things I Love...

Here is a brief update on some of my favorite things these days:
1. Briggs
2. Bear, Twitches, Ron & Violet (all my best buds)
3. The "Opposites" song
4. Talking, incessantly
5. Belly buttons - usually mine, but sometimes I really like to see Mom's

Here are some things of which I am not fond:
1. Going to bed at night
2. Babysitters
3. Leaving the park
4. Morning diaper changes
Any of the above will cause me to stiffen like a board w/ my head thrown back in determination to avoid the pending situation. I have also taken to telling Mom when I am not in agreement w/ her decisions regarding the things I don't like. Usually with phrases such as, "No, no" w/ the obligatory finger point and "No, not nice" - both of which Mom claims I learned at day care. Oh well, at least she knows I'm learning...

1 comment:

  1. She's turning into her own little person. So cute. We thought of you guys yesterday when we were skiing - two big St. Bernards hanging around the beer garden. Pats and treats to Briggs from Bartley.
