Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful thing Christmas is! It started out on Christmas Eve with lots of lounging around the house. We had a nice tea party and then went to the park for a big gathering of friends and dogs. After all that and a long nap, I got a new "pretty" dress to wear for church.

I chattered through most of church and clapped for all the singers - they were all very good - and by the time we came home to open presents, I was already over-tired. Somehow, I made it through the presents, even though I wanted each one open and to play with it right away. The picture below is a pretty good representation of how delighted I was with each of my presents. Most I unwrapped and "want the box open," some I opened and kissed, and others got commentary like "that's nice" and "awesome."

I couldn't stay awake long enough to play with my new toys on Christmas Eve, so I piled them all up on the couch and just about fell asleep on them.

Christmas morning I was up to play with my favorite gift - the baby doll with her very own stroller, swing and crib. Here I am testing out her crib, for safety.

I also wanted to put on my new slippers from Nama & Papa, but only after I insisted my Hello Kitty socks from Grandpa & Grandpa went over my pajamas first.

The day rounded out with an excellent turkey dinner prepared by Daddy. I also discovered that not just milk comes in cartons, but so does egg nog. Yummy! I REALLY liked it. We capped off the night with a family reading of the Polar Express (a great gift from my friend Katharine) and as Mommy was putting me to bed, I told her "Night, Mommy, Merry Christmas."

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