Friday, March 25, 2011

"No, I not!"

While I thoroughly enjoy my baby sister, I am having an even better time driving Mommy crazy with my recent spike in energy, determination and independence. In the last 2 days, Mommy has found me standing in the bathroom sink, sitting in Campbell's crib (but where was Cam?) and standing on top of my changing table. When Mom tries to tell me that I'm in trouble, I respectfully(?) disagree and tell her "no, I not." Mom is already dreading when she will be down a teammate next week when Grandma leaves and is considering installing video monitors in every room in the house and/or wrapping me in bubble wrap every morning. I would prefer the latter as I like it when Daddy "scares me" w/ popping the bubbles. Amid all this extra physical energy, Mom has noticed that my mental energies are also elevated. I can recount the highlights of my day at school, remind Grandma that she is supposed to get yogurt and bubbles from the grocery store and am able to "read" most of my books to Mommy & Daddy before bed. I've also been entertaining Briggs w/ my singing. All in all, "Wisa Kanning" (as I like to call her) finds herself equally smiling and sighing in my presence these days.

"Shea's City"

Grandma & the Girls


My Big Sister Outfit

Taking care of Campbell - I tried to lift her, but "she's heavy!"

I love to hold Baby Campbell

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