Monday, April 11, 2011


Cam went in for her 4 week check-up today and here are the results: 21.5 inches (75th percentile), 8lbs (25th percentile). I know she's been working on her weight gain because it seems that's all she does. I asked her if she wanted to watch Barney or go to the park, but Mom says she has to eat first. I fed her a bottle the other day, but got a little distracted and had a hard time keeping the bottle actually in her mouth... she's kind of high-maintenance, but I love her!For now, she is still "too little" to have a tea party so I'll just keep the invites to my old stand-by guests:

And, summer is now officially here (never mind that it snowed for a few minutes on Saturday) since Daddy heated up the hot tub and I got to put my floaties on!!!

Hope Grandpa is ready for me! Can't wait to see him!

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