Monday, March 4, 2013

Overdue Update

My only excuse is: February is a very short month.  And the Kannings have been very busy (okay so technically I get two excuses).  I have been a social butterfly w/ most of my pre-school friends having birthdays between mid-December and now so it felt like every other weekend that we were celebrating w/ someone and having cake.  There have been all kinds of fun parties: indoor bounce house parties, art studio parties, gymnastics parties; my favorite are the bounce house parties (unfortunately Mom's least favorite party scenario).  I think Campbell likes them the best, too, because she gets to participate in those the most.  Two of us in separate bounce houses, often criss-crossing large warehouse spaces, makes Mom a little nervous - and more worn out than we are at the end of the party.  I also started gymnastics classes so that takes up one morning a week; mom has been diligent w/ her 1/2 marathon training and Dad recently started taking some golf lessons.  Campbell is plugging along in school.  Now she can often be heard singly softly in her crib in the mornings or found laying her baby down for a nap upstairs.  She has fully mastered biped stair negotiation w/ the help of a railing, but still prefers Mom to carry her down the stairs. 

One day last month we packed up the car and headed north for a day of skiing at Liberty Mountain in PA.  We broke up the brief 75-minute trip w/ a stop at a diner - Cam and I LOVE diners!  Once we got there I took a 2-hr lesson while Cam went to the daycare and Mom & Dad tried to get a couple of runs in on their own.  They came back to check on me and were happy to know that I already had both skiis on and had made a few trips down the "incline" as Mom called it.  I then graduated to the magic carpet and the bunny hill and did fairly well considering it was my second time on skiis and minimal hours logged in the snow and cold.  After that, Mom & Dad took me up the chair lift to ride one of the green runs w/ them.  I had so much fun, that my grin was literally frozen in place.  Even waiting in the very long lift lines was okay for me since I was having a great time out there:

We picked Cam up at the end of the day who seemed to really enjoy making new friends and asking everyone their names.  It was a pretty fun day so I think that may be a more frequently occuring trip next ski season.

 Then last weekend Mom took Cam and I to Georgetown University to see the Marquette women play some hoops!  I was so excited to go!  I practiced my cheering and the MU fight song w/ pom poms and everything.  Campbell got pretty good at it, too.  Mom said we were great fans - only 4 bleacher accidents (3 of them were mine) and Campbell never ran out onto the court - so Mom was very proud of us.  We enjoyed popcorn, hot dogs and music.  And I think I heard that Marquette won!  Whoo-hoo!

 We got to visit w/ Mom's friends Kiesha, Terri and Michelle.  There were so much fun, too!

By the end of the day, we were exhausted!  But we can't wait to do it again!!!

Since we've been busy doing so much fun stuff, Mom has gotten a little behind on the housework so she decided to divide and conquer this weekend:

We don't mind the extra work.  She pays us well in fruit snacks!

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