Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Birthday pictures, snow day and Easter

 So it turns out that I have a lot of pictures that I am behind on for the blog so here's a treat for all my loyal fans out there. 
Campbell, say "cheese"
I think Campbell thought we were singing too slowly

Auntie Karen sent us these awesome scarves.  I said I would wear mine everyday and I did just that for about one week.
 Last week we actually had some snow on one of our Snow Days off from school so we bundled up and hurried outside before it all melted.  Campbell was excited about sledding... until we tipped over and she got a face-full of the fresh snow.  After that, she just wanted to swing on the playset.  But that just made more room for me on the sled while Mom sent me down from the side of the house.  I made it all the way to the swing set so I would push Cam while Mom walked the sled back up the hill!

Right after the snow storm we finally had some spring-like weather, but just in time for our Easter egg hunt it got cold and rainy again.  We made the best of it and hauled on our boots to go in search of our eggs. 

 Cam was sooo excited to find the eggs outside but when she picked them up and found them all wet, she decided to crack open the egg and dump the valuable, dry contents into her basket and leave the wet eggs behind.  Again, fortunately for me, that left me lots of time to scoop up most of the eggs while she was busy checking out what was inside each one!

We finished the afternoon with a wonderful dinner at Jack & Lou Ann's where we had ANOTHER egg hunt, lots of games of hide and seek and a marathon of race car track building (well, that was mostly Dad and Jack).  All in all it was a great day!

That's been our crazy 2 weeks and things are about to get crazier with the grandparents descending upon us in shifts over the next 3 weeks.  I am super excited!!!

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