Thursday, May 9, 2013

Self awareness, potty training and The Hipster

 Well it has been quite the month.  It's finally staying consistently warm in northern Baltimore County so we've been digging out the shorts and skirts.  Mom dressed Cam in one of my old favorite skirts (without leggings) for school in mid-April  and Campbell was very concerned once Mom stood her up- "Where my pants?"  Mom and I had to laugh a bit as we informed Cam that when you wear a skirt, you don't necessarily need to cover your legs, but Campbell wasn't too sure about the bare-leg concept.  It's been a few weeks, but I think she's taken a liking to the new look.  This has not deterred her from her favorite comfort habit of nuzzling her socks to her lips - whether they are on her feet or transferred to her hand for easier access.  We all know we're in trouble if Cam has both socks on each hand and she is going to and fro from sock to sock - a Campbell shut-down is eminent.

While Cam hasn't outgrown some of her baby habits, she is rapidly moving forward on her own w/ milestones:  last week Cam announced while we were in the tub: "I go potty, I wanna get out."  So Mom quickly hoisted Cam out of the bath and pointed her to her potty chair and lo, and behold: Campbell's first potty training attempt was successful!  We were all so excited for her and she got my favorite training incentive: M&M's.  Last night Cam decided she wanted some more M&M's so she went back into the bathroom and did her business and voila: a second successful potty attempt!  Mom is thankful Campbell is so motivated since she feels she really doesn't have the time for truly "training" Cam.  So she is glad Campbell is taking charge of things herself.

Fresh from the tub, enjoying the spoils of a job well-done
 Speaking of training - Mom had been doing lots of exercise recently to train for her big run at the end of April.  I could tell when she planned to go for a run 'cuz she'd always have her exercise clothes on when she took us to school.  Sometimes she would complain that she was getting too old for it all, but I would remind her, "Mom, you're not too old!"  As the race approached, I gave her my best running coach's advice:
     1.  If someone is ahead of you, run faster so you can pass them.
     2.  If someone is trying to block you, run around them.
     3.  Finish first.
 These are legitimate recommendations.  So I was sure that Mom would win her race when the whole family - and I mean EVERYONE - trekked to DC to watch Mom and her good friends run the Nike Women's Half Marathon.  We had Grandma & Grandpa, Dad & Cam, Uncle Phil, Jack & Lou Ann all cheering Mom on w/ signs and cameras at mile 10.  They looked great as they passed us and only picked up speed for the final 3 miles.  Mom didn't finish first, but she did a great job and achieved her goal: under 2 hours.  After the race since it was such a beautiful day, we packed up the car and toured Arlington National Cemetery.  Mom & I had to take a few "rest breaks" along the way to the top, but that just allowed us to get in some pictures.  I have independently adopted a new picture pose that I think is fabulous - Mom calls it The Hipster:

 What do you think?  I think I rock The Hipster.  I think you're going to be seeing a lot more of it.

Cam & I had so much fun during Grandma & Grandpa's visit.  I got to take Grandma to our favorite playground, we went to the Science Center and had smoothies; Grandpa & I had a few lunch dates at McDonald's and we planted some flowers around the house.  And they are wonderful playmates - Grandma is the best "student" in my class and Grandpa has taught me all about afternoon "parties" on the back patio.

 Thanks for all the fun and hard work while you were here.  We miss you already!

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