Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day and a special thanks to all those who served or are currently serving our country keeping us safe and free to enjoy things such as all the fun we had this weekend!  The weather was a bit cool, but sunny for us to get out and enjoy some of Baltimore's finest family-friendly events.  We started by taking advantage of the wind on Saturday by flying our new kite.  Dad and I had it going for a while, but between Cam, the caterpillar and the tree in the front yard the activity was relatively short-lived (the activity, not the kite - so I think it will make a reappearance again soon)!
Launching the kite

Taking care of Bunny - sometimes in the path of the kite-flyer

Cam's new friend, "Callaputter"
Then on Sunday since it was even a nicer day we packed up the car and drove to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.  We'd been to the zoo once before w/ Nama, but it was Mom & Dad's first visit so I told them all about what to expect, where to find the polar bears and penguins and I told Mom to be sure to pack snacks since Nama said there weren't any snacks at the zoo (?).  We met my two friends Ashlyn and Kayley with their Mom & Dad and did the toddler-centric tour that included a tram in/out of all the main attractions, including some ice cream - they must have just added the ice cream building.   We saw all of our favorites, but the ones most talked about in the car were the foxes, the polar bears and the prairie dogs.

Enjoying our chocolate ice cream cones
 And to top it off, we spent today's afternoon at our FAVORITE place: the Science Center.  And today we even tried out the planetarium show which Cam and I both enjoyed.   After the Science Center we wanted to grab some food so I suggested "the Cafe."  When Mom asked which cafe I meant, I told her "the one w/ the guitar on the front."  So we took the short, but lots-to-look-at walk across the inner harbor and made our way to the Hard Rock Cafe.  Cam and I enjoyed dancing to the music and Mom & Dad enjoyed that I wasn't the loudest thing in the restaurant.  The kids' menu even had a place where you could draw a self portrait playing your favorite instrument.   At first, I thought I would draw myself playing a guitar, but when I finished my masterpiece and Mom asked what it was I told her it was me singing into my microphone... which makes sense, my voice IS my favorite instrument.  We wrapped up the day w/ a quick trip into H&M to see if they had any cute summer dresses for me & Cam, but once Cam took off her skirt to try on some shorts in the aisle, Mom & Dad decided the shopping was complete and we made our way back to the car.  What a great Memorial Day weekend!

Cam & me in the dinosaur footprints

Campbell becoming aware of the "hipster" 

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