Thursday, June 27, 2013


It was a busy weekend around here.  In the middle of last week Cam started acting out of sorts and complaining about her "tummy hurts."  A suspicious rash and word that strep throat was going around school landed Cam in the doc's office and Mom w/ the task of getting Campbell to drink the pretty pink medicine.  After more bribes and drama than was apparently necessary, Mom & Dad's teamwork got the medicine down in true anti-climatic fashion.  And even though Campbell now asks for her medicine each morning, she still thinks she should get a lollipop afterward.  So, while Mom was holding her breath than no one else in the house would need the pretty pink medicine, we spent the afternoon in the DC suburbs w/ one of dad's friends from college.  He had a super fun party w/ a slip n slide and kiddie pool.  Mom made sure I could navigate the slip 'n slide without incident and off I went having a blast w/ some new friends.  Then Mom saw me run from the swing set toward the kiddie pool and about 4 seconds after she lost sight of me she heard, "MOMMY!"  I had stepped into the kiddie pool, slipped and landed on my bottom but also somehow hurt my ankle.  Dad came over to see what was the matter but I wouldn't put my foot down on the ground.  It hurt too bad.  After drying off and icing, I still wouldn't put my foot down... and even later after the offer of getting up to get a piece of cake still wouldn't allow me to put weight on my foot, Mom thought it would be best if we went to the hospital for an xray.  I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, but then I remembered the story of Little Critter and the time he broke his leg.  And do you know what?  I had the same experience as little critter (minus the ambulance ride).  I was on a stretcher and had xrays taken.  The doctor checked me out and decided to put a splint on my leg.  The xray didn't show a broken bone, but she said it still would be better to stay off it and get another opinion.  So back home we went for the weekend where I had to hop and crawl my way around the house.  It really didn't hurt anymore since I didn't have to put weight on it.  I was even beginning to warm up to the idea that I might get a pink cast, kind of like my cousin Natalia had a few summers ago.

Then I saw this super-nice kid's bone doctor ("orthopedic") who checked me out again and said my ankle still looks a little like it might be broken so she said Mom could choose a cast or boot until next week.  Mom chose a boot.  I was not happy:

I didn't feel pretty and I told Mom this was "the worst day EVER!"  But then I started to realize that people are curious about my boot and it's kind of conversation-starter.  I even got piggy-back rides from one of my teachers at school!  Yesterday Mom & I snazzed it up a bit w/ some rainbow tape and glow-in-the-dark markers and the boot is now acceptable.  At least now I can walk around the house, but then I also try to jump and gallop and hop and do somersaults all in my "walking boot."  I need to be reminded that it is a "walking boot."  So, until next week, I will do my best to "lay low" and hope that I'll be in tip-top shape for our upcoming trip to the water park in few weeks.  Keep your fingers crossed!!!

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