Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Fourth of July (and other catch-up items)

Our July came and is quickly fading... the first week of July we found out that I only had to keep my boot on for a total of 3 wks which would mean our first day of family vacation would be my first day out of the boot!  And for as much as Mom & Dad attempted to come up w/ activities that would keep me "laying low," you certainly wouldn't notice my boot if you didn't hear this repetitive "thud" that would increase in intervals directly related to my speed or hops or skips or gallops.  Don't worry, I always hopped on my "good foot."   We did puzzles, played Sorry and Cupcakes and Mom even felt enough compassion for me to finally try out one of the pastries from the book that I've been carrying around for months.  We agreed upon Panda Bear Cupcakes:

For the 4th we have hopefully started a new family tradition for our fireworks-watching.  The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra does an outdoor concert right in one of our favorite parks/playground areas and is followed by some awesome fireworks.  It was the first time Cam or I had seen a display like that and while Cam was a little unsure of all the racket, we both REALLY enjoyed the show.  Mom & Dad did, too.  And despite the fact that we lost Cam and Mom in the parking lot briefly, we will most likely put it on the calendar for next year.  Especially now that Campbell is an expert at searching for Dad..."Daddy, where are you?  We lost him!"


So a few more quick weeks rolled by and lo, and behold, the day was here to head to the airport for Wisconsin.  I told basically anyone who would smile at me at the airport that we were "going to my grandma & grandpa's, then the waterpark, then my friend's house - but my friend's house is just me and my Dad - my sister has to go home."  I also volunteered to the nice lady behind us in the security line that my grandparent's have THE BEST basement.  Ever.  I probably would have talked on, and on, and on about it but Mom suddenly saw me dart from her side and engulf another small child at the airport in a hug.  As both Mom and the child's mom looked on in wonder, I released my target only for Mom to recognize Keegan from my school.  I don't think I've written about Keegan before but that's probably only because I talk about him non-stop and draw him pictures and write his name over any blank sheet of paper.  So waiting for our plane was an extra treat while Keegan and I played.  The trip went great for us girls (Dad came out a few days later) and we eventually landed in WI where I greeted G & G w/ a running hug!

The waterpark adventure came just as quickly and I was soon immersed in the awe of my older cousins: Alena and Sienna.  Mom has never heard me so quiet as when I would sit and stare at the older girls and register their every phrase and gesture.   Cam & I had a blast and I did a pretty good job keeping up w/ the cousins on the slides.  Cam & Mia loved the water swings and played so nicely together that Mom is convinced they will be life-long besties.

The old gang back together

Dad & I took our leave from Mom & Cam to head up to the North Woods of WI and the Big Read House.  Mom & Cam headed back home for a few days of quiet time.  But not before getting a little silly in the airport gift shop:

Mom realized that after Campbell checked Shea's whereabouts immediately the following morning, she really never looked back on the fact that she was fully in charge of all playtime agendas for the rest of the week.  She assumed the "Mommy" role in all house games, learned some new alphabet letters and helped take care of Briggsy.  They were a great team.

I will update the blog w/ Dad & my adventures from the Big Red House next.  Until then...

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