Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Recap, Chapter 1

Well, I'm not even going to try to come up w/ excuses.  I'll move right along to the good stuff…

After we came back from our super-fun AZ trip, Mom and us girls took another plane ride to Milwaukee to visit more cousins and friends.  We finally got to meet our newest cousin, Benjamin.  WE LOVE HIM.  Seriously.  WE LOVE HIM.  We talked about meeting him and holding him and singing to him and maybe feeding him.  And when Grandma & Grandpa took a road trip to IL to visit him we were so excited to see him.  But, he was napping.  So we had to wait.  And while we waited, we got to play w/ Alena and Mia.  And guess what?  We forgot all about little Benny for a while and had a blast dancing and pretending and making bracelets and painting nails and while all the fun was at it's height and our nails were still wet, we got to meet Ben.  We still managed to carefully snuggle w/ him and shower him w/ cousin hugs and kisses, though.  We had so much fun visiting that we were really bummed to find out it wasn't a sleepover visit.  But we were so glad to have a fun afternoon catching up w/ Auntie Liz & Uncle Steve that we can't wait to do it again!

Mia and her chariot, Buster

I want to be just like Alena! 
Ben and his Daddy


Campbell using all of her Mommy skills

I love Benny's baby hair!  It's so soft!

While we were in Milwaukee, we also got to meet up w/ some of Mom's old friends from college and all their kiddos.  It was 7 Marquette Women's Basketball Alumni, 14 future Golden Eagles and lots of crazy fun.  Everyone got along just great.  Mom came up to check on Cam and I shortly after we arrived at the party to find Campbell already in one of my new friend's dresses.  Then we got to see some of them again when we went to the MU game the next day.

The Gang

Being back in Milwaukee and going to the Marquette game meant that we also got to play w/ Auntie Karen & Uncle Dan.  They came down for the visit and the game.  We were all decked out in Marquette gear, saw the "Seagull" and watched some cheerleaders.  I think there was some basketball going on, too.  Campbell liked the Golden Eagle ("Seagull") and the players that wear headbands, particularly, Brooklyn, who she now says she is when she is playing pretend.  We had a great trip and wish we could have spent more time catching up with old and new friends.   I guess it's just more to look forward to for when we return - that and the BEST BASEMENT.  EVER.

That brings to a close the first installment of "Recap."  More to follow (hopefully soon)!

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