Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Recap, Chapter 3

At my last dentist appt in January the dentist told me that I had two loose teeth on the bottom.  She said they would probably be working their way out in a few months.  One morning in early March, I climbed into bed w/ Mom to read a story and about half-way through the story I noticed something was different.  I asked Mom, "Is my tooth still in my mouth?"  I showed Mom and she said, "Nope.  Let's go look for it in your bed!"  We searched the sheets, under the pillow, all my stuffies and no tooth!  Mom thought she found it once, but it was just a popcorn kernel.  Finally Mom dug way down at the foot of the bed where my animal blankie was jammed.   She shook it out and voila!  My tooth rolled out!  I was so excited.  Campbell was excited, too and she wanted to know which one of her teeth was loose and was going to fall out.  I had to explain to her it will probably happen when she's 5 or 6 or maybe 7.

In March we also said goodbye to THE. BEST. DOG. EVER.  Our hearts were sad to say goodbye to Briggsy, but she told us she was ready to go.  The bone cancer which we found in October made it difficult for our furry girl to enjoy things the way she loved... to the "beefiest."  She never really seemed in pain, just slowed down and after loving hugs and thoughts from all of us we laid her to her final rest.  Campbell seemed to take it the most to heart - "you mean she's not coming back?"  I knew I was supposed to be sad so I waited a few minutes before I asked if we could get a poodle... or a chihuahua.  I do miss Briggsy and I often ask Mom what she thinks Briggs is doing in heaven at particular points of the day.  Mom usually says she chasing deer or taking a nap or having dinner.  It sounds as though Briggsy is being treated pretty well up there...

Briggs, 10 wks old

"Wanna play?"

"I'm sorry, Dad.  The in-ground sprinklers were just asking for it."

The Kanning Family, 2005

"Thought I'd take a dip while everyone was napping."

Play time!

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