Saturday, May 17, 2014

Recap, Chapter 4: Birthday Girl!

We celebrated Campbell's birthday for a whole week.  Dad had to travel for her actual b-day so we had cupcakes and presents before he left.  Then Cam got some presents in the mail and she took Hello Kitty cupcakes to school for her friends on her actual birthday.  Then we went shopping for her big gift, a new bicycle, and our friend Ms Erin brought us donuts to celebrate Cam turning 3!  Not too shabby considering we didn't have a true "party" for her.  This kind of bothered me because I thought every kid had a birthday party and some kid-oriented place, but I learned that you can have a nice day and feel special w/o the big party.

Opening presents while wearing her new backpack

"I'm a biker.  I'm a biker girl.  I'm a biker girl w/ pig tails!"

Look out, neighbors!  Here come the Kanning girls!

Campbell is getting to be such a big girl.  She can get dressed all by herself.  She is potty-trained for #1 and about 50% on #2.  She takes special care of her "babies" and has been promoted from administrator to a teacher when we play school.  She knows all the words to the Frozen soundtrack.  She loves to wear tutus.  She stays in bed until someone tells her it's "wake up time."  But one thing she still hasn't grown out of is nuzzling her socks when she's tired.  She is fiercely attached to those socks and it looks like they will stay a part of her bedtime routine for a long time coming.  Here's to our big girl who melts our hearts every day w/ her warmth and kindness!  We wish you a drawerful of your favorite licking socks and a fantastic Year 4!  Love you, Cam!

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