Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gooooooo Fireballs!

I started my first team sport this year: soccer!  I have been having a great time.  Mom and Dad were proud of me at my first practice - I had no fear and understood the concept immediately - get the ball, put it in the goal.  My babysitter Megan took me to my first game and I scored 3 goals!  After our week, Coach Brian really tried to teach us some fundamentals - how to properly kick a soccer ball, how to keep the ball close to me when I'm moving with it and Mom's favorite - the pull back.  The only problem with that is, that I am really trying to work on my skills and I seem to have forgotten the primary concept of ball in goal.  I have done a pull back to change direction in nearly every game since I learned about them, but usually I pull it back then stop.  But Mom and Coach Brian are still impressed.  Even though we don't technically keep score, I know that we have won 2 and lost 3 games.  Why wouldn't you keep score in a game?

Here is a sample of my tenacious offensive skills on the field:

While Cam has not started soccer, she brings her ball to practice and kicks around w/ Mom & Dad while I play Soccer Sharks & Minnows or scrimmage ("what's a scrimmage?"), or just roll around the grass w/ my teammates.  Cam has shown some promise as the next rising soccer star of the family.  We can't wait until next year to turn her loose!  She been working hard in swim lessons, though.  It's been a long road in teaching her that it's ok to get her ears wet since for so long we tried our best to keep water out of her ears due to the ear tubes.  She is still working on blowing bubbles to keep from swallowing all that water when she goes under.  But she is a rockstar w/ sitting dives and finding rings.  She is also excelling in school where she has learned to recognize all the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-10 as well as how to spell (and almost write) her name!  Way to go, Campbell!  Keep up the great work.

Mom also came downstairs one morning after Shea had gone to the bus to find a completed puzzle and a proud Campbell sitting right next to it!  We think Campbell just needed some room to stretch her legs and get comfortable to begin doing more things on her own.  She is starting to make her own imaginary scenarios - usually "baby and mama," or "doctor."  Love you, girl!

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