Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sharks and Cardinals

The summer has officially come to a close as Campbell and I start new chapters in our lives.  This past week, Cam moved up into another classroom at Goddard.  She is now soaring w/ the Cardinals.  I have fully graduated from Goddard to become a kindergartener at Sparks.  That's right,  I am now a Sparks Shark!

Enjoying the end of summer

Ready for Day 1

Miss Loretta, my bus driver!
My first week of school taught me all the rules of the classroom and the names of my teachers and new friends.  I have made some great new friends and have been able to see some old, friendly faces as well.  I have figured out our bus route and when my friends get on and off the bus.  I have figured out the routine at Playcenters, the after-school program where I spend 3 nights each week.  And this week I started my first team sport: soccer.  If you think that sounds busy, try keeping up with all the paperwork and meetings for the start of the school year.  Mom and Dad have a full calendar just trying to keep up w/ everything.  Mom said she is just going to start stamping our return address label on my forehead so she doesn't have to fill it on any more forms for school.  That being said, it was a great introduction to elementary school and I think this is going to be a great year!

Special thanks to our G&G for coming out while Dad was working in Alaska for 3 wks in August.  Grandpa had a baptism by fire the day after he arrived - from now on there isn't anything he can't handle (as long as Shea is nearby).  We had so much fun playing hide and seek, swinging on the playlet and playing board games; not to mention the home-cooked meals and clean windows.  Thanks for being here and all the fantastic help.  We appreciate you!

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