Saturday, January 3, 2015

Oh, The Places We Go...

This month's update is brought to you by the Traveler's Magazine.  I'll spare you the details of Mom & Dad's amazing South American trip.  Don't get me wrong, the trip sounded wonderful and I saw some beautiful pictures; but I saw 600+ beautiful pictures!  I cannot possibly accommodate that on the storage space of this blog so I will show you my personal favorites...

Glacier Petito Moreno in El Calafate, Argentina
Brazilian side of Iguaçu Falls

Enjoying refreshments after horseback ride; Chilean Andes Mtns in the background

Rio de Janeiro

G&G had a phenomenal time of their own while they got to enjoy scenic Maryland and spend some time w/ me and Campbell.   We did our best to make sure they got the most bang for their buck while they were out here and kept them busy with games, baking, playing school, shopping and, of course, Happy Hour!  We also had to make sure we wore Grandma out so she could appreciate the fact that she was about to have some R&R as she was preparing for her knee replacement surgery.  I couldn't understand exactly how the doctor was going to replace her knee.  I asked Grandma and it sounds to me like she's going to have a robot part in her leg.  Cool - it will bend and everything.

Once Mom & Dad had some time to come home and do laundry, we all got to pack our bags for our long-awaited trip to DISNEYWORLD!!!  Not only have Cam & I been waiting for this trip forever, but I would get to wake up on my 6th birthday in Disney!  How cool is that???  And... we went with some of our best friends - Amelia & Cameron and their Mom & Dad!  Can you just hear the volume and frequency of my voice getting higher and higher?  Ahhhh!!!

Gearing up to enter the Magic Kingdom!
You can be as silly as you want at Disney!
Ears and hat!
We got to meet almost every princess - Aurora and Cam had on the same dress at dinner!
Elsa froze the Castle especially for Christmas!  So pretty!
Anna & Elsa
 You cannot believe how much fun Disney World is!  Thanks to our seasoned travel companions, we were able to see every park and hit nearly every thrill ride.  Even Campbell managed to scrape the bottom of the height requirement line to go on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain Railroad and Expedition Everest.  Everest was her favorite - a yeti broke up the track so you fall backwards in your car into a cave then come speeding back out to get away from him!  I think my favorite was Rock n Roller Coaster.  Cam wasn't quite tall enough for that one because it went upside down 6x!  We ate meals w/ the Disney friends and princesses and did you know that there is pretty much ALWAYS a parade in the Magic Kingdom?!?  Seriously, we had a great time!  Cam and I would be happy to show you all the autographs we got from the stars - just ask!

Once again we came home just in time to bake some more Christmas cookies and head back to the airport for a visit to MN for cousin time!  Pictures and full story to follow on my next post.  Here's a little teaser... Cam got on skis for the first time!  She did great!  We're so proud of her!

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