Monday, July 27, 2015

It's My "Thing"

After judo last week, Mom & I were driving home.  It was a unique class that day because Mr Frank made Bella and me split up - we are ALWAYS partners because we are one of three kids 7-under but also because we are nearly the only girls.  Sophia, our other partner-in-crime was on vacation so we had an easy choice to partner w/ each other that day; but Mr Frank had other plans.  He put us w/ the boys - one 10 and the other 11-years old.  And those boys have clearly been doing judo longer than I have.  So, my main strategy was to continue moving my feet so I couldn't get swept and thrown.  Although I did get swept and thrown - A LOT.  Even though the boys were pretty aware that I was 6 and not particularly sharp on my judo skills, they had to practice too so I had a lot of getting up off the mat to do.  But I got up, and re-engaged.  And again.  And again.  And again.   Mom & I had this conversation in the car afterward:
Mom: Shea, I'm really proud of you - judo practice was tough tonight, but you did really well up against those older boys.  You kept at it.
Me: I did not like practice tonight.  I didn't like going against the boys.
Mom: But you held your own - you kept getting back up and trying again.  And, you had a smile on your face the whole time.
Me: I know.  I like smiling.  It's my thing.
Yes, Shea.  Yes, it is.

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