Thursday, August 20, 2015

Big Red House and Wisconsin Fun!

We had so much fun on our trip to WI earlier this month.  I do believe it lived up to expectations, which is saying a lot since I had talked about packing for the trip every day since Mom made the airline reservations in June.  We started out w/ a pit stop at Grandma & Grandma's for an overnight romp in their basement.  I still say it is the best basement.  Ever.  The next morning we re-packed our bags in the car and made the drive up to Minocqua for adventures with old friends.  We met up with the Smiths, Danielsons and the Stones for 3 days of Up North fun which included lots of lake time, movie nights, hammock time and an impromptu trip to bowling alley arcade!  The Mermaid of the Lake visited us again and Amelia & I had our very own room - in the closet of the master bedroom!  It was sad to once again pack up and leave our good friends, but at least we had another reunion to look forward to at the end of the ride: Givens Family and cousin time!

Shea on the water ski trainer

Campbell in her favorite spot at the cabin: the hammock swing

Campbell, Me, Amelia and Evan

From Left: Campbell (4), Everett (4), Cameron (4), Caiden (4), Amelia (7) and Shea (6).  Not pictured: Evan (9) aka "the 10 yr old" and Elise (2)

I saw the flag and said, "Mom, this is like a Marquette House!"

It's been Up North for 20 yrs and counting for the fellas.  
Back in West Allis we gathered at G&G's for more basement time - this time w/ reinforcements!  AJ, Mia and Benny joined us w/ Uncle Steve and Aunt Lizzie.  We also made a trip to Rainbow Park before caravanning into IL for the remainder of our trip.  The next day we got to go to an indoor trampoline park (Mom is still holding her breath from hoping no one got hurt) and a wonderful day at my cousins' Abuelita & Abuelito's house for a day of pool fun and great food.  We had our first experience with chicken fights and fried chicken ("chicken on the bone") which were both huge hits!  I got to spend a night w/ AJ and Cam got to share a bed w/ Mia for one night.  It was so much fun I am already planning our next visit to see them.

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