Thursday, October 1, 2015

Back At It!

School, soccer and Nala have gotten the better of our schedules.  We are still trying to get into a routine around here.  The weather change in the last week may be the final piece of the puzzle.  It just felt too much like summer still with beautiful warm, sunny days.  This week has been rainy and cool and hints of color changes on the leaves.  I do believe it is Fall.  So back to the ol' grind as they say!  I kind of like the grind... It brings school and soccer.  It was old-hat for me this year, but Cam started soccer for the first time.  It has been taken her a little to warm up to it, but during her last game she played as hard as I have ever seen her play.  Way to go, Cam!  Here are some pics to catch you up:
1st Grade, Mrs Laumann

Sock Monkey did not go to practice with us, but did have to be in the picture.

I'm a pro at soccer pictures

That's Cam in the pink shirt doing the "Hot Feet" drill

Nala already watching over us

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