Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Great Blizzard of 2016

Mom said I will be talking about this snow storm to my kids.  School was cancelled for 6 days.  People were stuck in their houses (not us!) for days until snow plows came to their rescue.  Thankfully there were no power outages or health issues at our house.  Mom became worried she would have to rush one of us to the hospital due to frost bite since neither Cam nor I
seemed too "snow savvy" the first day out in the white stuff.  The snow was so deep that my boot got stuck in the snow and came off when I tried to get my foot loose.  So I just put my foot down and dug into the snow to try to pull out the boot.  When it wouldn't come out, I decided to just keep yelling for Mom to help me... while I sat in the snow with my sock as the only protective covering for my bootless foot.  The fact that Mom was running the snow blower didn't deter me from just sitting there yelling until she heard me.  Once Mom finally realized the situation, she gave me a rather abrupt education in staying dry in the snow and had me get myself reassembled with dry socks/boots before I could come back out.  Meanwhile, the same thing was happening to Campbell outside so by the time Mom got out there to resume her task of clearing the driveway, she had to perform another boot rescue and snow education.  Mom said she's going to send us to our Minnesota cousins for the winter to study up on Snow Survival for the future.  I said that would be just fine with me!  Here are some of my favorite pics from the week.
Looking down our driveway before starting the second of three snow blower-trips in 16hrs

Snow Safety Captain inspecting the kids snow tunnel
Loving the snow and the freedom!

The calm after the storm

The day after was a beautiful day to play!

Queen of the Backyard Mountain!

Hiking in the snow to the play set was hard work: I just had to take a little rest on the swing

Balance on the swing is tricky with boots and a thick winter layer
After that snow, we enjoyed lots of hot chocolate and lunches at our various neighbors houses.  It was fun to have a cul de sac full of open doors and stocked kitchens.  Thanks to our neighbors for keeping our bellies full, our spirits up and deck shoveled!  We are re-grouping and hope to get back on schedule and into our routine by Monday.  It was a nice "Girls Vacation" as I called it!  Mom said she has a different title in mind but kept it to herself for now.  

At least we did have a quick holiday trip to DC for the long MLK weekend.  We had a fun weekend back at the American History Museum and a night at the hotel pool.  We also had great family Happy Hour where Mom & Dad realized their little girls are growing up too fast.  We need to take the time to stop and appreciate our moments together before the moments get piled up too quickly.   Hopefully that will mean more blog posts to help us savor the memories we will make in 2016!

Campbell's Happy Hour Hot Cocoa

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