Saturday, February 28, 2009

On the Move... sort of

So lately I've been having some fun w/ my sleep-deprived mommy. I've figured out how to pivot in my crib (but nobody except Briggsy knew that). So mommy would put me to bed at night with my head to the north, but when she would come to get me in the morning my feet were where my head was! For the first few mornings, I could tell she just thought she was confused; but by the third morning she was on to me. The "rug burn" on my left cheek was the giveaway!

Briggsy and I have also been practicing my tummy time and I'm starting to warm up to it a bit - now that I can see there is more to it than burying my face in the blanket. We also like to play hide and seek (see pic) - she's really good at hiding. We spend a lot of time on the floor together during the day and she's been a great big sister by showing me the ropes of lounging around the house.

Mom and Dad are also getting me ready for March Madness. I'm not really sure what it's all about, but I do know I get to wear these really sweet sweats and a super cute MU onesie so I'm on board for the Madness! Ring out, ahoya!!!


  1. Shea - what would you think about Amelia coming to visit you the weekend before Easter?

  2. OH YEAH, Golden Eagles ;) That sweatsuit rocks!
    Hey, Shea- tell your Mommy that Mom and Dad (no kids) are rolling into Vegas for a long weekend April 2-5th. You know Dad's work phone him and we'll get your contact info so we can maybe get together and/or you can come and hang poolside with us for awhile???
