Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day!

I've been so busy the last few weeks w/ new adventures that I haven't had time to keep everyone up to date on Shea's Place! I have a few pics from the last few weeks, but because we've been so busy, mom forgot to charge the camera a few times. That's why we don't have any pictures of Meghan's visit. She came just to meet me (and I suppose hang out w/ mom and dad). She got in just in time to watch Syracuse defeat MU in the last regular season game... rumor has it the Orange are hot right now, so not too bad of a loss for the Golden Eagles. Just after Meghan left, Grandma and Grandpa came to town to keep an eye on Briggs while Mom and Dad went on their annual ski trip w/ the "peeps." I kept Grandma and Grandpa busy on their "vacation." Mom & Dad had a great weekend in Tahoe (see pic)and once again look forward to where the next ski trip will take them. It's a good thing everyone came home in one piece since Mom is supposed to start work soon, which means I had my first dry run at daycare this week. There were so many nice, new people to meet that I hardly slept a wink my first few days. This is a pic of me on my first day... too bad I got so excited that I had to put on a new outfit once I got there! I think I'm going to have a lot of fun - they sing songs, finger paint and practice the alphabet and numbers. No wonder there is no time for naps!

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