Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cousin August comes to visit

Last week we had some visitors from Minnesota. Dad's sister Elizabeth came to see us w/ her 8-month old son, August. At first, we had a hard time hanging out because we were on opposite nap schedules; but we eventually found each other on the floor one morning. August can do some neat things - he reminded me of a barrel that just kept rolling all over the living room, bumping into things and rolling over others. I just couldn't keep up w/ him. He tried his best to help me out by holding my hand, cleaning my ears and checking my vision (see pics). I didn't like the eye test so much, but we did have a nice visit. After Auntie Fozie left, Mom and Dad hosted a farewell party for one of the pilots here. I did my best to stay awake and be a good hostess, but I pooped out pretty early and woke up again just as the party was winding down. I hear it was a good one!

Day care has been good, but I still don't get much sleep there. To make up for it, I take L-O-N-G naps on the weekends, but when I wake up I'm ready to play! I've now mastered rolling both ways, making entertaining sounds and nearly sleeping through the night. Now that Mom has remembered the "record" button on the camera, I'm sure you'll be seeing more animated pics of me. Here is my theatrical debut. I had been giggling a bit in my car seat, but I got kind of shy when mom got the camera...

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