Friday, November 6, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Too many pictures to show you so I'll be brief. We had a fantastic trip to San Diego for Halloween to visit our friends The Fischers. Briggsy had a reunion w/ her old pal Henry and got along great w/ her new friend, Gatsby. I got to show off my giraffe costume (for 3 days in a row) and we had a great family road trip! Here are some pictures from our long celebration of Halloween, which includes a night at the squadron w/ my friend Katharine:

Me (the giraffe) & Katharine (the bee)

Grrrr! (Do giraffes growl?)

Comfy dog bed and my new friends!

Me & the pups

I love road trips!!!

Thanks to the Fischers for hosting us and letting us field-test all their baby gear. Best wishes to Jorie and the little one in the home stretch! Can't wait to meet him!

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