Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm a day late with this blog entry, but that's because I've been busy celebrating my 1st Birthday for the last 3 days! Grandma & Grandpa came in on Saturday to help get ready for the party on Sunday. I had so much fun watching the kids playing with the balloons, that I really wasn't too interested in food or presents; but I did manage to get a piece of cake down! Mom said I was "disappointingly neat" eating my cake, but I think Dad appreciated that I didn't waste any cake - YUM!Later I kept a safe distance from the balloon fight on the stairs with Grandpa, but I couldn't help myself from giggling while Briggsy was scared out of her paws from all the noise. I kept Grandpa busy following me all over the house (don't tell him, but Mom just told me to keep him occupied so he wouldn't see the mess I made in the kitchen)!

Thanks to everyone who helped make this 1st Birthday a very special one - including our friends and family who sent long-distance birthday wishes.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Shea! December birthdays are so much fun, adding more joy to the holiday season for sure. Enjoy every moment with your little one, they grow up so fast!
