Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hi there

Greetings from sunny Las Vegas! It's finally starting to warm up a bit here and I am LOVING "side" - that's "outside" to all of you who are not familiar w/ my slang. From the moment I come downstairs in the morning until Mommy has to carry me to bed at night, I want to be "side." I am really starting to be a ham and a little parrot. Mom says she has to be careful what she says around me now because I have been known to repeat words that I have never said before. And sometimes when it's been kind of quiet for a bit, I just look at Mommy and say, "Hi!" and we get a good smile out of that.

Being silly at breakfast with witchy-poo hair

Grandma & Grandpa are here now and I am having so much fun running them ragged! Before they were even here 4 hours, we were off to the park to play on the swings and slides.

Wow, that's a really big hole

And leave it to Grandma & Grandpa to buy me my first pair of big girl, silky pajamas. They are soooo soft and comfortable. The only problem is, I get so excited when I wake up and see them on that I want to get out of bed immediately and show everyone, even if they are still sleeping.

Summer is settling in here and I'm going to make the most of "side" until it gets too hot. Hooray for summer!

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