Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nuthin' much

It's been a quiet few weeks around here, well, for me anyways. Mom & Dad have been little social butterflies with farewell dinners for friends and a Santana concert. They had a great time at the concert and decided they have now been spoiled for any concert venue other than The Joint at the Hard Rock. So I've been busy growing up while they're at play. I now know most of the pictures in my First Words book and I'm working on the 100 words book that my MN aunties/uncles/cousins gave me last month. Briggsy is relatively unimpressed, but Mom sure gets excited about it. I love books so much that it's how I choose to spend a good portion of my Saturday mornings. Here's a quick video of me and Daddy "reading" one of my favorites: The Smells of Christmas

I also had my first haircut a few weeks ago. It was rather uneventful since the lady w/ the scissors kept pestering me about something w/ my hair. I was trying to watch the guy next to me get his hair cut, but this lady kept getting in my way. So I kept shooing her away and dodging my head, but she kept coming back! Ugh, how annoying! In the end, she got the hair out of my eyes, but that was about it.

So things have been rolling along here. Summer is trying to worm it's way into Las Vegas, but these crazy 60mph winds have been keeping it at bay. Hopefully, the winds will calm down for Grandma & Grandpa's visit coming up soon. Can't wait!

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