Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

It's been pretty hot here lately, so it's been tough to get out and enjoy things. So... we've had to make our own fun here in the house. That fun consists of trying on every hat in the house, sorting laundry into "Mom" and "Dad" piles, creating large piles of stuffed animals at various points in the house, and pushing Bear around and around the kitchen in my lawn chair. Of course, I haven't forgotten my best playmate Briggsy, but we had some of her friends stay over last week so instead of playing with Briggs, I did my best to help out and fed all the dogs at feeding time. I liked this so much that even after Molly and Roscoe left, I kept leaving food out for them just in case they stopped in for another visit. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for playing, Dada!

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