Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Last weekend the family took a trip north to the cold region Mom & Dad call "Minnesota." Brrr, it was cold, but boy did I have fun! Upon landing in the cold region I was immediately taken with the snow from the airplane window, but as I got up close to a window near the door I told Mommy "no touch snow." This hearkens back to my last and most recent experience w/ snow about 2 wks ago when it actually snowed in Las Vegas. I was so excited to see the snow and talked about making a snowman. We got outside to load into the car when a snowflake unexpectedly landed on my bare hand. I did not like it. I held my hand up for Mommy to make it all better.
At any rate, that only slightly prepared me for my trip to MN but in MN I had on full winter gear. We had only been in town a few short hours when Papa revved up the Ranger and pulled Nats and Hope and I in tubes behind him. Wow - a whole new kind of fun for me!
Aside from spending several short bursts of time outside in the tubes, we also celebrated Uncle Jeremy's graduation from law school. August and I attempted to commemorate the event by reenacting an all-nighter like I'm sure Uncle Jeremy pulled in order to graduate w/ honors, but several adults kept interrupting our attempt and we finally just fell asleep.

I also got my big girl bed report card yesterday. It has been nearly 2 wks since I made the transition and here are my marks:
Staying in bed during naptime: Needs improvement
Sleeping during naptime: Needs improvement

Staying in bed for a full night: Satisfactory

Sleeping a full night: Excellent

Remaining in bed until sleep time is over: Excellent

Comments: Multiple messes made of books, wipes, changing bed and folded laundry during naptime; only one unauthorized tea party late at night; and consistently greets Mommy in the morning w/ the affirmation "I stayed in bed 'til you get me!!!"

Mommy & Daddy are very proud and while I still want to spend time in my old bed, I am
starting to recognize we are slowly making room for the new baby. So, in an effort to welcome him/her, I hug and kiss Mom's belly every morning and every night before I go to bed. And in true sister form, I will still jump, crawl and sit on Mom's belly but I am very quick to say "I'm sorry, Baby" and offer an apologetic hug to the belly. Briggs thinks I'll make a great big sister.

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