Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Has Spring Sprung?

The weather sure has been nice here in balmy Las Vegas the last week or so. You'd think with all the sunshine and fresh air that I would be in tip-top shape. Alas, I was on my nebulizer (aka "Nebby") again last week. These days, being sick enough for the nebby really doesn't slow me down much but I do enjoy watching some sophisticated films, such as Baby Einstein, while I do my nebby. I've been on the nebby so much over the last 1.5 years that I have perfected the art of the "no-hands" nebby.

Although Mom & I had to miss the Super Bowl party because I was sick, we were still able to enjoy the game and celebrate the great Packers' victory! Mom said it was because I was in my cheerleader uniform, and I think even Daddy thought I was pretty cute in green & gold. Instead of watching the half-time show like the rest of America, I thought the pool could use a cleaning:

And during the most tense part of the game, I couldn't take it anymore and had to go upstairs to my room and have a tea party:

The cozy chamomille helped to calm my nerves and I was able to celebrate w/ the Packers in the end. Go Pack, Go!!!

Speaking of celebrations, Daddy and I worked on some impressive block towers last weekend. We built the tower so high, that we ran out of blocks. This is one of our mid-range high-rises, but it was tough for Mom to get a picture of the ones that were taller than me since I love to knock them down once they get just above my reach. Then we do it all over again!

Mommy says there are 4 weeks until the c-section is scheduled. I'm not sure what that means, but she always rubs her belly while she says it so it must have to do w/ that baby in there. I'm getting anxious to meet him (yes, now I think it will be a "boy brother") but every now and then I say it will be a sister. I guess I'm just hedging my bets w/ Grandpa. Either way, I'm not sure Briggs is ready for the 2nd invasion. I hope she can survive another one of us!

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