Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Home, Sweet Home

I love, love, love our new house. It has a "downstairs" for all my toys and our neighbors are horsies and I have a swing set of my very own. However, I have found that this new house comes w/ a lot of rain and I do not like rain. "Do you like rain? I don't like rain." I have also found out that there are new rules that come w/ the house. I can recite most of them:
  1. "The doors are quiet"
  2. "Briggsy, out of the kitchen!"
  3. "We put our shoes away so Dad doesn't trip on them"
  4. "Never, ever, never, ever run across the street"
  5. "Never eat mushrooms from outside"
I am a fairly good rule follower, and I am an even better enforcer of the rules. I was also very helpful unpacking our boxes. I unpacked all of my toy boxes - it was like Christmas in August! - and I stacked all the big things up neatly against the walls in the basement. The smaller stuff, however, I felt would be best displayed in a tornado-like atmosphere throughout the playroom. I was also in charge of the packing paper from all the boxes:

I started my new school this week and I have already met some new friends: Maddie and Max. They are great fun and I talk about them a lot. I bravely waved goodbye to Mom on Monday as she started a new job and I didn't want to go home w/ Dad when he came to pick me up. I think it's going to be a great fit!

Campbell is doing great, too. Rolling and talking and laughing all the time. I'm so good at making her laugh that Mom has now put me in charge of keeping Cam company while she cooks dinner. The episodes usually start w/ Cam laughing hysterically and at some point the sounds morph from squeals of delight to shrieks of unhappiness. I don't know what happens. I tell Mom she's crying because "she's thirsty."

We're pretty much unpacked, but we're still waiting to find some perfect things for the house. One of these perfect items is a new sofa - so Briggs has been left w/ the next best available lounging spot: the Home Inspection Report.

Now that we're all settled in, I'll get back to you all w/ an update as to how my summer vacation wrapped up. There are some great pics... you won't want to miss it!

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