Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This...

We welcome a guest writer to the Place today as my Mom has compiled an Op-Ed article for all of my faithful followers:

We've been enjoying our new home for a little over 2 months and we are nearly squared away with furnishings. It took a little help from Paul's parents' basement consignment shop, but we now have a fully furnished dining room and entry way. We are absolutely loving not only the new house, but the area as well. How can you not enjoy views like this from your front door?

Life in the country has certainly provided somewhat of a slower pace and an appreciation for the peace and tranquility of nature. I was reminded of this last weekend when we had an unexpected visitor show up in the backyard for dinner:

Shea loved the fact that there was a "reindeer" in her backyard, but he wasn't allowed on her swing set. What better segue into Christmas anticipation than Santa sending a reindeer to size up the chimney of Shea's new house?

So while certain things have slowed down, other things make me realize that time is flying. I'm so proud of Sweet Campbell as she quietly (?) moves through milestone after milestone. She is sitting unsupported for long moments and reaching for absolutely everything, including bottles and food if she is ready to eat when you are not. She is working on volume control - of which is apparently a specialized skill that does not come easily to her. Shea reminds her that she needs to use her "inside voice" however I am trying to remind Shea that the best way she will learn is by example.

And setting a fine example she is. Shea is really quite patient w/ Cam considering she is not yet 3 and has very specific goals for her day: circle time after wake up w/ her animals, Sprout, a quick tea party, camping, Sprout, building towers, Sprout and outside time. I love that she is gentle (most of the time) and caring w/ her sister and quite an adventurous spirit. She truly is an awesome kid.

I've been loving my new job at a privately-owned PT clinic that is all about quality patient care and pushing people to their very best. Nowhere else have I seen senior citizens pushing weight sleds, middle-aged Moms doing split squats and dead lifts and people getting better more quickly w/ excellent functional strength. I'm very proud of the work we do and the way we do it. I've also been loving Paul's transition to the Guard as he is able to continue to do what he loves and believes in, but his schedule allows for a better balance between home and work. He wears many hats for this family and he wears them all well.

I'm telling ya, it doesn't get much better than this:

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