Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Welcome Fall!

Northern Maryland is full-swing into fall and we've been checking out lots of fun places. Over the last few weeks we've visited a dairy farm and sampled some ice cream, explored a corn maze and pet some animals, and had a wonderful pancake breakfast at a church festival. I still have to pick out my pumpkin, but I'm going to let them get nice and big before I bring one home.

You can see the huge corn maze behind our big tractors. Mr Jack has his own tractor while I was the driver for Mom - well, I wasn't REALLY driving the tractor... just pretend.

Campbell stayed out of the maze w/ Miss Lou Ann while we found all 12 clues to solve the puzzle. I was VERY helpful answering the clues in between calling out for Uncle Phil and Mr Jack - I was very worried they would get lost if they got too far from the group. But we all emerged together just in time for the rain to start.

There were all sorts of animals to see and pet. I met Minnie the horse, Ferdinand the baby calf, potbelly pigs and a donkey.

The leaves are falling off the trees and I love collecting them from the backyard. Our swing set has gotten some good use and I've been practicing my bike riding in all this beautiful weather. But I still really enjoy cuddling up in the chair w/ Campbell at the end of the day and now that we got our new couch for the family room, there is plenty of room for us all, including White Bear, Gigi and my purse.

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