Sunday, November 6, 2011


This month's update will be done in sections for your convenience:

1. CAMPBELL is my best friend. My best friend just got her first two, that's right, two teeth. I don't think you can quite make them out in the picture, but they are on the bottom. She has also added a few consonants to her vocabulary so she now can tell me, "ba, ba, ba" and "ta." She is an expert sitter, but occasionally she falls over and I am right on top of that and alert Mom to her new status. She is not so great at "stand time," but she tries really hard and I think she is doing a good job so I tell her so all the time. I am very excited that she is getting so big and soon we will be playing together all the time. She is very good at sharing her toys w/ me so I'm sure we will get along just fine.

2. GRANDMA & GRANDPA came to visit last week while Daddy was in "Florida" (that's in quotes b/c I say it, not b/c I don't think Daddy was really in Florida) flying his plane. We had lots of fun at a pumpkin farm that had hayrides, potato-sack slides, a hay bale maze, and, of course, pumpkins! Grandpa and I got to make a snowman in our backyard. His name was Frosty. I was so sad when I came in to show Grandma because he had fallen over and started to melt! But then I remembered even Frosty said in the song "I'll be back again someday." So that made me feel a little better. We played lots of games and read books and ate lots of treats - yum, yum. Who needed trick or treating when I had them? I loved their visit and can't wait to see them again!

3. HALLOWEEN was a blast! Campbell looked "so cute!" in her ladybug costume and I felt beautiful in my "Hallo-Queen" fairy princess outfit. I proudly showed it off at a party at school and then I got to put it on again for trick or treating w/ Daddy. We found a great neighborhood that must be in charge of the festivities for Baltimore County b/c it was packed w/ cars and people and some great decorations. "I was just a little bit shy" and asked Daddy to hold my hand for the first couple of houses. We got a great haul of candy and headed back home.

4. SCHOOL is going just great as I have moved up into the next classroom with all the 3 year olds. I am now a Raven. I am so excited. I woke up every morning this week asking mom if I could go to the Ravens because I have so much fun in there w/ all my new friends. I love my new school so much that I can often be heard breaking into some new song that I learned at various points of the day; and I haven't even asked for a hug, or a kiss, or a high-five when I get dropped off (this has been a sad, but proud, transition for Mom). I told Mom, too, that Campbell will soon be a Chickadee and I will be a Chickadee, too, "if she wants."

That about wraps it up. Hope everyone has a great week!

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