Sunday, January 22, 2012

As promised...

I was going too fast in most of the action shots so I thought I would post the most clear picture of me on skis :) Can you see me there between Dad's legs all bundled up w/ just my nose and eyes showing? There was a bit of negotiation that went on throughout the day based on wearing my goggles - "but I'm just a little bit cold, not THAT cold," trying out skis by myself for a few yards - "nooooo! oh, that was fun," and having my first "pop" - a Mountain Dew!!! - with Papa. All in all, I tackled the magic carpet more smoothly than Mom ever did on her first try and was a pro at the chair lifts thanks to a little practice w/ Auntie Fozie & August in the condo before we went out. And for being raised a "desert girl" for the first 2 1/2 years of my life, I braved the cold like a champ! Mom & Dad were so proud of me and thankful that I had a very positive first experience on skis... Whew! Looks like we may have a family activity for the next several years. We are a little worried about Campbell, though. She still looks like she's on skis standing next to the couch in the living room so it may be a few more years before she's ready to hit the slopes.

Speaking of Cam, Mom continues to attempt to record the milestones that she reaches but for some reason she feels my contributions to the documentary are not "blog-worthy." So you'll have to be satisfied w/ my narration only... Cam started school w/ me 2 wks ago and seems to be taking to it great. Sometimes I get to wave to her when I pass by her classroom on my way to the gym. I am very proud to have her at my school and I tell my Mom that I will be there to help if she needs anything. So far, they have not called on me but let me tell you, I am ready! With starting school, Cam brought home some kind of nasty that ran through the house for a long weekend but thanks to Nama & Papa we are all out of the woods and back at it again (see pics below for proof!) I can see another little pearly white poking out of Campbell's gums right next to her other two teeth so that has made her a little cranky this week but I also think it has suddenly motivated her b/c she seems more determined than ever to crawl... but she's still working on it. Mom & I worked really hard this weekend on holding her own bottle and wouldn't you know it, with a little bit of patience that little Campbell finished her own bottle tonight nearly on her own. I had to help her w/ the first 2 oz. Mom was super excited b/c that frees up another hand in the AM and I was excited b/c Mom was so excited. And to her credit Cam has now mastered the art of sitting up and lying down which she must have been practicing during overtime hours. A few weeks ago Mom & Dad awoke to Cam crying for the first time in about 6 months and went in to find Cam sitting up in bed (what a time for that milestone) but she couldn't figure out how to lie herself back down! She's a funny kid, but "she looks real smart" b/c I saw her playing w/ her star stacker this morning and she knew right what to do w/ it out of the gate. Look out world b/c I think Campbell is about to take you by storm!!!

And speaking of storms... we had a pretty good snow two nights ago that left about 2 inches for us to explore. Once Mom finally got us all bundled up we got out the sled that Grandpa got for us and tried it out in the backyard. Mom underestimated how fast we could go on the icy stuff so this was really the only video she felt was appropriate to post publicly w/o there being some kind of safety investigation:

We had so much fun and even Campbell cracked a smile or two after she got used to how tightly I was holding onto her. After sledding we headed back inside for some hot chocolate - yum, yum!

As for me, I've been a big help around the house whether it's helping Mom w/ laundry or dishes or helping Dad collect fire wood. This was me helping him blow leaves off the deck last week. "It was just a little bit loud."

Dad has also been very impressed by my ever-growing list of stall tactics before bedtime. For many months I have had somewhat separate goodnight routines w/ Mom & Dad b/c they each do something a little bit differently - Mom likes to put arms in jammies first, Dad likes to put feet first and things like that - so I often hold a discussion regarding their various chosen practice and they have now figured out that I usually side w/ the one that is not present at the time of said bedtime activity causing all kind of "dilly dallys." Mom and I usually go through all sorts of holiday greetings in effort to slow the closing of the door -"Happy Flag Day" - and I ask Dad the weather report for the next day - "is it going to be sunny or cloudy? rainy or windy?" but last week I managed to slip a new one in before the door was closing,
Me: "What are you going to do downstairs, Dad?"
Dad: "I'm going to go clean up the kitchen"
Me: "And then what?"
Dad: "Then I'm going to wait for Mom to get home."
Me: "And then what?"
Dad: "And then we'll hang out for a bit."
Me: "And then what?"
Dad: "And then we'll go to bed."
Me: "And then what?"
Dad: "Then we'll go to sleep and get up w/ you for breakfast."
Me: "Alright, but if you have any trouble or if you need anything, you call me. I'll be right here."
Seriously, I don't know how they can leave me after a routine like that? You'd think they would want an encore performance!?! Anyway, I'll keep working on something that will keep that door open just a little bit longer before bedtime, but until then... night, night!

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