Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Let's Rock n Roll"

We are nearly back full-swing after a L-O-N-G case of the sickies that got passed back and forth around the family.  I'm not really sure where it started and how many rounds Campbell and I have each had but I think we are starting to turn the corner.  In addition to battling an ear infection on her own for way too long, Cam is also sporting 5 (nearly) new teeth.  Her bottom two teeth have two new friends and the whole top row seem to be coming in together in an effort of solidarity.  No wonder she's had such a hard time sleeping, eating or even smiling lately.  I've been asking Mom "Why is she crying again?" because I was sad and really wanted her to be happy.  But after some antibiotics and breaking through of all those teeth, Cam seems pretty much back to her old self.  With those extra teeth, she has been enjoying some meatloaf and eggs, and she has been practicing her words.  Mom is sticking to her guns that Campbell said "hi" to her and waved when she picked her up from daycare last week, but no one else has yet heard it.  So, officially, "hi" is Cam's first word.  I'll let you know the unofficial word once I hear it.  And with the extra fuel in her tank from her "big girl food" she is tackling standing and cruising.  Mom says Cam is going to skip crawling and just go right into walking... I can't wait until we can race around the house together!
Enjoying the swing on our playground

School for both of us is going really well.  Cam seems to like her teachers in the Wrens classroom and I seem to adore my teachers and friends in the Ravens.  I am now an honorary teacher in the classroom and often help read the story during circle time.  I bring my work home as well and set up my "centers" for Mom & Dad to enjoy.  There is the book club, candyland center, matching center and a few other centers that Mom cannot quite figure out what to do when she is visiting there.  She needs to listen to my directions better.  I am very careful, though, to make sure Campbell does not have anything that is too small for her - which includes most of my bigger things that I just prefer not to share - but it is "too dangerous" for her. 

School has also taught me some great things such as yoga, gymnastics, sign language and Spanish and seeing as how these special activities are all on different days of the week I am now fully aware of the passing days of the week in their proper sequence.  I also can count to 5 in Spanish, know a great many colors en Espanol and like to demonstrate my yoga poses at home.  I can't wait to teach Campbell!

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