Monday, March 5, 2012

"Follow my directions"

While I have been known to remind people to "worry about yourself," I feel the need to let everyone know how great my sister is doing these days.  I've just been so busy setting up my school, playing hide and seek, working in my kitchen and crawling in my tunnel that I've kind of let the headlines back up on my desk.

Campbell has not been slowed down by some recent ear infections - we're blaming the 6 new teeth she just cut.  She is asserting herself at the dinner table asking for anything and everything that I eat.  If she doesn't like it or is finished, she simply picks it up w/ as much precision as all the previous morsels that have made their way into her mouth and she very deliberately drops it on the floor for Briggs.  She really seems to like bananas and my oatmeal the best.  But I recently found out she prefers peas over carrots, likes to store tiny pieces of apples in her cheeks and seems to enjoy chicken nuggets.  She is putting all that food energy to good use as she has been spotted crawling, but I hadn't seen it yet so when I saw her going after some toys this morning I called mom to get the camera:

Campbell is almost as friendly as I am, too, as we found out when we took a family trip to Port Discovery a few weeks ago.  Here she is with a nice boy who shared a music shaker and some play space w/ her:

And she as found a new favorite position, kneeling:


So now that she is slowly covering some ground in the house I have decided it's time for me to take a much more maternal role in her upbringing.  Here are some of my favorite phrases that have recently been directed at Cam:
"No, no, Honey"
"You're not following my directions"
"You worry about yourself"
"I can share w/ you" - typically regarding whatever Cam currently is holding...
Always followed by tugging gently at Cam's barely-there hair just like I pull the fibers of my blankie, but "I'm just patting her head."  

Things are going great in the Ravens but on the way home last week I asked Mom if I could go to a new class - Ballet Class.  Mom said she wasn't sure where to find a ballet class so I suggested we look on the computer to find it.  And then we can "turn on the lady [GPS] and she can tell us how to get there."  I'll keep you posted on my ballet class.  Until then...

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