Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hola Sproutlets!

Fridays are special days in my school where we learn Spanish or sign language or yoga.  Since I LOVE to talk, I haven't taken as much of a liking to sign language.  I like the "exercise" of yoga but, once again, they encourage quiet movements and I'm not so keen on that.  I can do it, but it's just not my preference.  So I thought since Cam got to show off a bit of her emerging skills last week that I would like a turn to to brag about what I'm doing these days.  I can say all my colors in Spanish and can count to 10.  Mom got a great video but since I get kinda distracted during the filming, I think it took a little longer than the blogger allows and I can't seem to post it because it's so long... just to name about 9 colors and count to 10 - nearly 2 minutes.... where do I get that from???

I've also begun to emerge from my bedroom in the mornings.  There just seems to be too much going on to sit and wait for someone to come get me.  So I have a "quick circle time" w/ my stuffies and venture out to find Mom and Dad.  The first morning I nearly scared Mom to death because we met in the hallway as she was coming out of Cam's room.  The next morning I went in to find Mom and Dad still sleeping and when I woke them up, they looked at each other and said, "Well, it's been a nice run.  Three years and 3 months... not bad."  I'm not really sure what that meant, but I thought it was kinda funny.  Since then Mom has been asking me to get rid of my pull-up and get on a clean pair of "underwears" before I exit my room and I usually do remember some steps of the sequence.  Some mornings I come out carrying my pull-up and no pants.  Some mornings I just don't want to deal w/ it and just bring Mom my underwear but at least I'm managing that.  All in all I am a significantly big girl and even though I regress a year or two when I see Mom paying a little too much attention to Cam, Mom says she's really proud of how much help I can be around the house.  I know, that's because I'm a "smart cookie."  

We found a great new park not too far from the house and we ALL had a fun time exploring the new play set:

1 comment:

  1. Three years and three months is a very impressive run! Now you can look forward to 4 AM snuggles in your bed- loads of fun....
