Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Campbell!!!

Due to some technical difficulties, I had a post in the queue for quite some time and just got around to actually publish it.  And, due to some physical difficulties... such as there just not being enough time in the day to complete all of my designated duties ... I am just now wishing my lil' sis a BIG HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY!!!!  March 15 came up pretty quickly on me and I had a hard time deciding what present to get Cam because when Mom asked me I would usually fall into listing things that I wanted for my birthday like a piano.  But we were able to all celebrate last weekend:
She danced to the "Birthday Song"

Cam was totally geared up to eat the cupcake, but at first she didn't like how messy it made her fingers...

She got over that!
Campbell's personality is really starting to shine now and she is pretty stubborn about making her position known on several things:
- She LOVES balls of any size, shape or color but she seems particularly drawn to the blue & gold MU basketbally (Ring Out Ahoya!)
- Attempting to walk, yes walk.  She is apparently over crawling already.
- Food, and in particular, whatever you are eating
- Aside from balls, her favorite toy is the crazy yellow duck that sings very loudly first thing in the morning in her crib

Mom says Campbell is a pretty easy-going kid as she goes down for naps (2 of them still!) and nighttime without a fuss, but she is starting to get impatient w/ diaper changes.  She has also found a favorite teacher at daycare, Miss Tara, who makes the morning drop-offs a piece of cake.  She and Miss Tara smile and wave at Mom or Dad each morning as the door closes.  So, it's been a full year and Cam has really seemed to jam a lot of her milestones into the last few weeks but she is charging forward full-steam!  Can't wait until we can chase each other around the house!  Happy Birthday, Campbell.  We love you!

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