Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

We had a terrific celebration for America's birthday today.  I was very excited to be going to a "birthday party" today but I had a hard time understanding why America wasn't celebrating at my school or at an indoor playground.  When we walked out of the parking ramp, I spotted the playset behind a house so I figured THAT must be where the party would be... but nope... we kept on walking and finally planted ourselves on a park bench.  While we waited for the party to start, I saw tons of balloons and bikes and bubbles!  Everyone there was blowing bubbles to try to break the Guiness Book of World Records for the number of people blowing bubbles.  We did our part and Cam even got one bubble out into the air after multiple attempts at eating the wand.  Here are Grandpa and I before the festivities kicked off:
 We got there early enough to secure a great spot but then we also had to keep ourselves entertained until the parade started w/ a game of peek-a-boo:

We had a great time watching all the fire trucks, cars, motorcycles and buses that came through.  I especially enjoyed seeing the Chik-Fil-A cow and lots of marching bands.  At several points I had a hard time focusing on the parade because I was VERY concerned that Campbell was straying too far from our seating area.  I followed her closely and escorted her back, each time hollering to Mom that she was "getting away."  I felt much better once she was parked back in her stroller and eventually fell asleep.

On a separate note, Mom and I have been having a roundabout conversation recently and perhaps my loyal followers could weigh in on the matter?  Mom asked me the other day if I could stay 3 forever.  I told her, "No, because what happens when it's your birthday is that you turn the next number, so next I'll be 4, then 5, then 6, then 7...."  Mom eventually stopped me when I got to 18 and she said, "Please, will you please stay 3 forever for me?"  She looked so sincere that I felt I could not break her heart so I tried my expert negotiating skills w/ her: "How 'bout I just stay 3 for a little longer, then I'll turn 4?"  Well, she agreed, but then she asked me again the other day if I would just stay 3.  After a long sigh I reminded her "that is just what happens on birthdays, Mom."  I don't know if she really understands this birthday-thing.  I wonder how old she thinks SHE is??? 

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