Sunday, August 5, 2012

Welcome Home and The Big Red House

 I have been literally counting down the days until my Daddy came home from his work trip to "Amgamlaflam".  Whether it was because I couldn't pronounce it or couldn't remember the place, I was known to tell people that he was in New York.  Mom never put an official return day on the calendar so some nights the number of days until he came home was actually more than the previous night.  But what was on the calendar, highlighted and circled, was our family trip to "Alena's Water Park" followed by a sleepover at Amelia's Big Red House.  And as the days began to get closer, blend together and eventually Dad's return date fell after our expected arrival at the water park, it became difficult to tell for which event I was getting more excited.  The morning finally came and I ran into Mommy's room so excited and I said, "Mom, today is the day we go to the water park!!!"  And she had to correct me and say, "No, Shea, today is the day we get to pick up Dad from the airport!"  I hate to admit it, but I was a little disappointed, but I quickly recovered because I knew that the next day we would all get on an airplane together and go to the water park.  And it was soooo worth the wait.  I was so excited and happy to see Daddy:
Campbell and I waiting for Dad and the 104th to return to BWI

Daddy's home!
At the water park I kept Mom and Dad so busy that they didn't even get a chance to take a picture of Cam & me thoroughly enjoying ourselves and my solo debut on water slides.  I pretty much kept up w/ the big kids (including Dad and Uncle Steve) on everything that my height allowed me to ride.  Campbell could barely be torn away from the Splash Park.  We had such a great time w/ Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Steve, Auntie Liz, AJ, Sienna and Mia.  I was sad to leave but remembered that we were packing up to head Up North to see Amelia, Cameron and Everett and all their parents.  "Are we there yet?"

At the Big Read House in Minocqua I had fun reliving Mom's summer memories by having breakfast at Paul Bunyan's later followed up by a pontoon ride to dinner at the Clearview Inn Supper Club.  You'd have never know that this was our first small craft lake ride:

Campbell & Everett took a ride to warm up to the life vests

Amelia & I got to have a sleepover 3 nights in a row!
The tradition lives on: Everett, Amelia & Cameron, Me & Campbell

We went sailing, jet skiing, swimming in the lake and rafting until the boat ran out of gas... I don't think you can call it rafting when your boat is being towed by a jet ski.  We also got to visit the local Urgent Care to get some antibiotics for Cam's double ear infection which I actually enjoyed probably more than I should have. At any rate, it was one of the best summer vacations I've ever had - definitely in the top 4!  I hope we can do it again next year.

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