Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Checklist

As summer is winding down and I look forward to my first day as a CARDINAL tomorrow in my new classroom, I thought I would reflect on all the things that Cam and I accomplished this summer.

Shea's List
- completed Level 1 swim class
- independent slider/rider at water park and Dutch Wonderland
- completed 30-piece puzzle all by myself
- dress/undress/wash-up/toilet (mostly) all by myself
- safety manager/driver of the red wagon
- pump a swing all by myself
- assumed all vacuumming duties in the house

Cam's List
- says a moderately-recognizable two dozen words such as, "aye-pee" (airplane), "bubayee" (blueberry), "fow-a" (flower), "fis" (fish), "wa-wa" (water), "chee-chee" (thank you); and very clear words such as "shoes," "ball," "Shea," "Biggsy," "socks," "night-night" and "moon" just to name a few
- throws trash away
- gets her own snacks from the pantry/cupboard
- gives some of the best hugs and kisses to everyone in the house - Briggs and stuffies mostly
- effectively communicates a stinky diaper to anyone who appears in charge
- finally outgrew the medium-sized "block hat."  She'll have to upgrade to the larger one

Another fun part of the summer has been resuming Bathtime Races and with Campbell being a full-fledged walker she can now participate in the fun.  So a few nights a week Cam, Briggs & I race across the hallway usually with our bath towels flowing behind us or sometimes just in our birthday suits.  A new feature this race season has been the added high-five zone that Grandpa created when he was visiting.  Boy, do I love a good bathtime race.  Also more recently in the last few weeks, Campbell and I have been found playing alone together for long periods with minimal screams of anger or tears.  

The end of the summer also made me realize that it's already been one full year that we've been at the new house.  Mom has been working at and absolutely loving Evolution Sports for a year and Dad (& Mom) seem to have acclimated to Guard life pretty quickly.  Although, not a week passes that I don't mention my first best friend Katharine and I continue to make preparations for when she will sleepover someday.  But I have so many new friends at Goddard who will be moving into the new classroom w/ me next week.  Campbell is already calling out the names of her fellow Blue Jays when we leave each afternoon.  So I know it's gonna be a GREAT school year. 

Last week Mom & Dad took some "adult-time" and went on a trip to San Fransisco and Sonoma w/ their friends.  I got to stay home w/ Nama & Auntie Fozie so we could all take care of Cam, Briggs and Fritz.  We had a great time and went to Chocolate World where I got to see how they make Hershey's chocolate.  My favorite was the Hershey's Kiss.  Mom & Dad knew I was in good hands when they got a picture of me sent from Auntie Fozie's phone at about 10 am w/ chocolate smeared all over my face.  I did my best job taking care of Fritz and I really think he enjoyed his time here in MD.  I hope he comes back soon (and brings his brothers).
Sonoma 2012 Crew

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