Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall is Here!

After summer comes fall and now that it's chilly in the mornings, fall is officially here.  Also, the sun is going to bed about the same time that (or earlier) than I do so I know fall is here.  I feel as though I just finished up my summer vacation, though, so I need to rewind a bit.  Last month we went to MN for Papa's retirement party and Cousin Fritz's baptism as well as just some general cousin-fun.  Dad and I got to head out a few days early while Mom and Cam held down the fort.  The few extra days gave Dad and I a chance to take in a few of Minnesota's finest activities: parks in the summer, gymnastics class, and a Twins' game with August. 

Heading down to the game.  Go Twins!

Gymnastics Class
Pool time

Climbing a haystack

 I also made it to the Hello Kitty store and Mom somehow managed to make it out of there with her wallet unscathed, but I think it was helped by the fact that all my older cousins had an agenda at the Mall of America... amusement rides!  They had Merry Go Rounds and roller coasters inside the mall!  I had so much fun trying to keep up with them and riding all the rides that my 43" allowed me to ride.  Speaking of my height, Campbell had her 18 month check up a few weeks ago.  She was 35.5 inches and 26.7 lbs.  Mom wanted to compare our stats for our 18-month check ups and she was surprised by the difference.  Can you guess who was taller?  Me or Cam?  My numbers for that age... 34 inches and 24.2 lbs!!!  Mom thinks someone at MD Pediatric Partners made a mistake.  How could sister by so much bigger than a kid that was already off the charts???  And speaking of off the charts, Mom & Dad were so proud when we were sitting down to color last week and I spelled my name all by MYSELF:

It's going to be a fun and busy fall which will roll right into holiday and birthday season around here.  I think Campbell and I are ready, but I'm not so sure about Mom!  Goodbye Summer!  See ya next year!


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