Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Veterean's Day

We had the BEST Veteran's Day EVER!  The weekend started out with the much-anticipated arrival of the Duehr Family from Minnesota.  I had been counting down the days until August came.  Even my teachers at school knew that I was leaving early on Friday before Mom told them about the "cousins' visit" and I think it lived up to the expectation.  There were lots of hugs, screams of laughter, shrieks of crying and "organized wrestling."  I need to brush up on my organized wrestling, but I was top performer in all the other categories.  Saturday was filled by a trip to the Eastern Shore for the Water Fowl Festival.  We saw dogs jumping from docks, played Red Light/Green Light for nearly one mile while walking from event to event, and even ate clam strips (although I was under the non-corrected impression they were chicken strips). 
Campbell getting a breather after chasing cousins in and out of the bushes  

Sunday we loaded up the cars again and drove down to Ft McHenry in Baltimore.  My friend Layla (and her daddy) and Uncle Phil joined us there to see Daddy and 3 of his friends fly right over us on their way to the Ravens game.  It was such perfect day... clear skies, warm temps, loud airplanes and an on-time fly-by!  To give you an idea of how perfect the day was:

We were able to burn off some energy while taking in some fresh air.  Mom thinks she may have found the perfect spot to allow full-fledged running, screaming, tumbling all while taking in some of the best views in Baltimore.
That's my Daddy on the left!
Truman sharing some "brother time" with me while asking me to taste the dandelion he found
 We really enjoyed having the full house for a few days and Campbell enjoyed not being the youngest in the room.  She loved to watch Fritz kick around on the floor and couldn't wait for Mom to share him whenever she was holding Baby Fritzie.  She would ask Mom, "Have it?  Have it?  Have it?"  It was the perfect time to have a real, live baby in the house since that's all that Campbell wants to play w/ these days.
Fritz & Cam

 Please come again soon.  Campbell was asking for you all this morning by name.  We're already looking forward to Christmas in MN!!!

Thanks for visiting us, Duehr Family!!!

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