Friday, November 30, 2012

Movin' On Up!

The last session of Swim School has had its ups and downs.  When I started this new session and met my new friend, Adam, I took to the pool w/ reckless abandon and learned how to do a "Humpty Dumpty" (sitting dive) and "Biggest Jumps" from the edge of the pool and seemed to have a good time doing it.  And the next week, as well as the following 3, I absolutely refused to enter the "deep" end in any way, shape or form except by hand-walking myself along the wall.  I was coerced, bribed, encouraged and threatened - all to no avail - to get back to my sitting dives and biggest jumps and I just would not budge.  It even got to the point that I didn't want to go to swim class except to watch Adam.  Then, today, after Miss Karen dragged me into the pool (literally) kicking and screaming... I realized that I was absolutely fine in the deep end.  I can do the same thing in the deep end as the shallow end - float, glide and kick.  And after that, no one could stop me!  And to top it off, today was my last swim class so I got a report card that says I can move up to the next level.  Good timing, huh?  Mom made me some cookies and I got a graduation present when I came home from school tonight.  Everyone was soooooooo proud of me!  Here is some footage from one of my sessions last week:

Even with my clutch performance, I think I'll take a break from the water this winter season.  I've asked Mom to enroll me in gymnastics.  I told her she's going to have to show me to do the bars - "I don't really know how to do those very well."  But I'm confident that her experience can help me w/ that.

Speaking of helping, Cam needs very little help around the house these days.  She is a great helper herself now and can get her own cup and plate for breakfast, throw her garbage in the trash, and can get about 50% dressed and 100% undressed all by herself.  In fact we typically open her door in the morning to Campbell sitting in her crib w/ (thankfully) her diaper on and sitting on her pj's.  She is getting pretty steady as she walks up and down steps w/ a railing, but still prefers Mom to carry her.  One of the other things I've worked diligently to teach her is sitting still and quiet for some TV time.  She doesn't seem as interested as I think she should be, but last week we found my old favorite Barney Music DVD and we got through nearly the whole thing together dancing and singing along.

Last but not least, we had a surprise birthday party for Mommy last night when she came home from work.  Dad let me stay up late and he, Briggs and I hid from Mom when she walked in the door.  Campbell would have had fun because she loves hiding, but it was way passed her bedtime.  "I go to bed at 7:30" so it was not too-too late for me.  We surprised her w/ a new camera lens (for taking more awesome pictures of us kids) and a cake.  I think she was really happy (and surprised)!

Next week kicks off the start of a month of celebrations as Mom's official birthday approaches, then MY birthday, then Christmas celebration with G&G and the Givens family topped off by Christmas w/ the MN crew.  I suppose everyone celebrates their birthday w/ a month-long parade of gifts and Christmas lights, right?  I can't wait!!!

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