Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 Wrap-up

It's taken a while for us to get back into our routines after a L-O-N-G holiday break.  Cam and I were off school for 1.5 wks and it seemed to throw everyone off schedule during the time.  But, we've finally settled back in and I'm ready to update everyone on our great holiday adventure.  The adventures started out w/ the Joyful Celebration Show at Goddard.  Campbell and I both performed separately in the show.  She was a drummer and I was a jingle bell-ringer.  I sang my loudest in between giggling episodes w/ my friend Julia and Campbell banged her drum w/ the best of them!

The next adventure put us on a plane to Minnesota for fun cousin-time.  As soon as we arrived, we dug out our cold-weather gear and headed out for some snow play.  Snow play for me has become quite fast - I'm not sure that I'll ever be satisfied w/ fort-building or snow-mountain climbing now that I've had a few seasons of tubing and sledding under my belt.  This year we added a ski lesson to the mix.  At least I got to put my helmet to good use!  My first lesson took about 1.5 hours.  Mom figures the first 45 min were just getting us used to walking and kicking a ball around in our boots before we finally put on one ski to learn how to glide and push.  Then we took a well-deserved break before heading out for more single-ski gliding.  About the time the instructors started to lose all of our attention, they brought out our second ski - apparently as a means to teach us how to get up from the snow if/when we fall.  I really had fun, but the best part was after when Dad and Auntie Anne took me down the bunny hill:

We had a great Christmas celebration in MN, too.  Elfie told Santa where to find us and I got to practice my scooter in Nama & Papa's basement and Campbell had her new kitty cat scrambling all over the kitchen floor.  We had so much fun it was hard to get us all to pause for a family picture, but we managed our best.

Now that we're back on track, my New Year's resolutions are to practice my bike and scooter and be more timely w/ my updates.  I think Grandma & Grandpa got kind of used to me when they were here in December and apparently need more frequent pictures and videos of us.  I'll do my best!  And Campbell will be my biggest helper!  She may even take on some narrative duties as she is talking up a storm and starting to put some sentences together.  Mom thinks it's because she's such a good eater and she's hearing lots and lots and lots of words from ME!

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