Thursday, August 29, 2013

Minnesota Summer!

Whoo-hoo!  We HAD SO MUCH FUN in Minnesota!  I literally never stopped smiling.  It started w/ the ghost I sat next to on the airplane.  She was scary!!!   And kind of loud, but we had a nice flight and Mom & Dad were proud of our traveling skills.

Once we arrived, the first order of business was my solo driving lesson on Nama's toy jeep.  I had some lessons from August last summer, but I think I wasn't really focused at the time.  This time, I got to spend a solid 20-30 min jerking myself along Nama's front circle and eventually I figured out how to operate the pedal and steering wheel together.  After that, I mastered backing up and then there was no stopping me (including when I attempt to park)!  Cam and I got up every morning and took our babies for a spin in the jeep.  Then when Auggie and the boys came, we would all pile in/on and cruise the grounds.  It was great fun.

This is Papa's Ranger, but my expression (and sound effects) don't change when I'm a passenger on the jeep!
After a good road trip, the pool was always a nice way to spend several hours.  Truman was nice enough (and learning his own skills) to let Campbell have his puddle jumper floatie.  At first, Cam was a little gun-shy from "falling" into the pool at Anja's party - she didn't really fall, she very decidedly walked up the stairs to the kiddie ladder and slid down into the pool.  Mom was right on it and yanked her out by her floaties at which time Campbell said, "I fell in the pool, Mom picked me up."  But since then, Campbell has shown a little more respect for large bodies of water.  So, she didn't really realize how while her puddle jumper worked since she was adamant that someone always hold her in the pool "WITH TWO HANDS!"  But by then end of the week she got comfortable floating on her own - even out to the deep end.  And I got comfortable going off the diving board w/ a "Qtip" jump, sliding down the big slide w/o anyone catching me and diving for rings.  All that was after my first and very enthusiastic jump into the water off the diving board before anyone else was in their swimsuits only then to realize that I hadn't practiced covering ground from the middle of the deep end.  While I attempted to tread water, Dad held out his hand from the edge but Mom suggested he go in to get me.  Dad really thought I could make it but had to strip down to his undies to jump in and rescue me.  I told him, "Thanks, Dad.  Sorry."  But, by then end of the week that was old news and I could make it all the way to the shallow end all by myself after jumping off the diving board.  Not too shabby!

Campbell always had on her goggles - even to sit on the stairs of the pool!

We got in some great adventures while we were in MN.  I think Campbell's favorite was the Pow-Wow at the Dakota reservation up the road from Nama's house.  She talked about the Pow-Wow all week.  I have to admit, it was pretty cool.  I told Mom, "There were a lot of Indians there."  We also enjoyed a turkey dinner and games at the Marystown Church Festival, a trip to the Hello Kitty store and amusement park in the MOA, a great afternoon at the arboretum and a whole day at the Minnesota State Fair.  We were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the early morning Fair departure to take advantage of mini-donuts and all-you-can-drink chocolate mild for a quarter!

I got 2 rides on the Upsie-Down since Campbell didn't want to go!
Mini Donuts!!!
Maximizing the stroller
We found a big hill to roll down next to the Theis house!  What fun!

My absolute favorite Fair ride was the big yellow slide that I went down all by myself.  Cam went down w/ Dad.  We had a great day!  I also got in 2 sleepovers - one w/ August and one w/ Natalia - that also may have been the best part of my trip as I'm still talking about those, too.  I can't wait until we can have another sleepover w/ my cousins at our house!

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