Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spring has sprung!

Well, I have been off the grid lately since it's been so beautiful outside around here.  Cam and I spend all day outside playing w/ our neighbor friends Logan, Sam and Kennedy.  We have held school sessions outside, rode our scooters around the circle in the cul de sac until we were dizzy and even started a water fight already.  And we're just gearing up for summer fun.  Grandpa was here last month to help out while Dad was away so he made the windows sparkle so we could let all the wonderful sunshine in!  He also managed to make time each day for some good play time and, of course, happy hour!

And we're making some time to practice hoops.  Looks like we both took the same pointers away from Mom's jump shot lesson - "always kick one foot back when taking a shot" or wait, maybe she didn't say that?  Maybe we just have the same athletic habits of looking cute when we play sports?

Cam's jumper

Shea's sweet shot
 We had another guest babysitter this weekend.  Papa trekked out to spend some time w/ us last weekend since both Mom and Dad had full work days.  He was super lucky, because Campbell's friend from school, Sophia, had a birthday party while he was here.  And just like Campbell's wish in the penny fountain the day before... guess what they had at the party???  Unicorns and ponies!!!  Well, just one unicorn and one pony, but that's still pretty impressive that her wish came true the very next day!

Campbell on the Unicorn, Sparkle
School has been just clippin' along for me.  We have less than 8 wks of school left and I have already mentioned that I hope I get some of the same friends in my first grade class next year.  Our school had a Hula Hoop contest last month and a fun party to raise money for kids in the hospital.  I had a great time - I never left the dance floor, even after my friends got tired!

Dagny, me and Charlie
 Campbell has become quite the budding artist lately and she has been leaving masterpieces for us around the house - last week, Mom came home to a picture of a "sea monster" on her night stand.  It looked surprisingly like this car that she drew the week before - that's the remote for the car on the right of the picture.  I totally love her creativity and now I am trying to work w/ her to label her pictures...Isn't Campbell just a "sweetheart?"

Oh, and possibly the biggest news of last week: I lost 2 more teeth about 4 days apart.  Both have been loose, but it actually took 2 different shots to the face to finish them off.  Both shots to the face were self-inflicted... on accident.  But, it turned out alright since the tooth fairy left me $1 for each!  

Stay tuned for the update on Campbell's latest adventure: karate!  She starts her class tomorrow.  Hi-Ya!

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